St Mawes & Cornwall oil paintings



483 Sun, sparkle and light airs






1040 Lively sea, Castle Point, St Mawes





1008  Incoming Tide,  Tavern Beach,  St Mawes





991 Morning sun, St Mawes harbour






887  At the water’s edge, Tavern Beach  *





920 St Mawes in summer, from the Nook Terrace, Hotel Tresanton  *





929 St Mawes gardens and Church from Warren Cottages





925  Tresanton, the Beach Club terrace  *





882  The Boathouse St Mawes early 2019





888  The Oyster Boat sets sail





924  Carricknath and St Anthony- after Henri Cross – acrylic  *





645 St Mawes from Polvarth Point

645  St Mawes from Polvarth Point





741 St Mawes harbour from Polvarth Point

741  St Mawes harbour from Polvarth Point





125  St Mawes Harbour from the bank





718   St Mawes-  White-Sail, Misty Morning





539 The ferry and the horseshoe field

539   St Mawes – The ferry and the horseshoe field






664 High summer on Tavern Beach

664  St Mawes -High summer on Tavern Beach





Tavern Beach

St Mawes – Tavern Beach





Tavern Beach, white sail

St Mawes – Tavern Beach, white sail





On Tavern Beach in summer

St Mawes – On Tavern Beach in summer





Evening sun from the terrace at Hotel Tresanton

St Mawes – Evening sun from the terrace at Hotel Tresanton





723 Carricknath from Tavern Beach

723  St Mawes –  Carricknath from Tavern Beach





672 Summer moonrise, Carricknath

672 St Mawes – Summer moonrise, Carricknath





671 Late midsummer sun, Carricknath

671 St Mawes – Late midsummer sun, Carricknath





St Mawes – Pinuccia and St Anthony from the waterside garden





624  St Mawes – Working Boat off Castle Point





St Mawes – The Boathouse, Castle and Hotel Tresanton





416  St Mawes – Lively sea Castle Point





809  St Mawes  – Castle Point





644  Rough sea off St Mawes Castle





720 Black Rock and Castle Point St Mawes

720  Black Rock and Castle Point St Mawes





721 St Mawes Ferry off Castle Point

721  St Mawes Ferry off Castle Point





662 The Boathouse and Castle St Mawes

662  St Mawes – The Boathouse and Castle





726 Falmouth-Bay summer sunset

726  Falmouth-Bay summer sunset





733 St Mawes Boathouse, the Castle, Hotel Tresanton and Falmouth Bay

733 St Mawes Boathouse, the Castle, Hotel Tresanton and Falmouth Bay     sold £3,000





The Boathouse, rough sea 2014

742  The Boathouse, stormy sea February 2014*





744 Boathouse rough sea 2014

744  Boathouse rough sea 2014





744 The Boathouse later 2014

753   The Boathouse Autumn 2014





The Boathouse, winter 2015

754  The Boathouse, February 2015





804 Sailing in Falmouth Bay

804  Sailing in Falmouth Bay





752 Castle Point and approaching ferry

752  Castle Point and approaching ferry *




935  Study of waves off Castle Pont St Mawes *






920  St Mawes harbour from the Nook Terrace. Hotel Tresanton *






658  Sunny May morning, Castle Point, St Mawes *





638  Late afternoon Falmouth Bay





The Boathouse and Castle in early summer

805 The Boathouse and Castle in early summer





Across the Carrick Roads to Mylor

676  Across the Carrick Roads to Mylor *





The harbour, Portscatho





The Roseland Inn, Philleigh

093  The Roseland Inn, Philleigh





633 Nare Head from The Nare Hote

633  Nare Head from The Nare Hotel





642  Dracena Palms at the Nare Hotel





The Gull Rock from Portholland

The Gull Rock from Portholland





The Eden Project under construction

The Eden Project under construction  *





Yvonne Fuller Your Paintings, 108 St Mawes from Lanarth

Yvonne Fuller Your Paintings, 108 St Mawes from Lanarth





The Painting Pram

The Painting Pram





The painting pram – May 2020





At work

At work

Painting at Mount Edgcumbe 2007





At home 2021